Website pre-design website templates

Our templates are listed on the website as per this link . The main image that displays the template design, format and style is just an indication of a potential final outcome, as to how a template can be transformed. This may not eventuate exactly in the same style and appearance as the displayed image, dependant on your preference and based on several factors which includes, image sizes, text provisioning, layout requests and more.

WordPress is a framework and thus the design templates that we showcase are in grid and layer type style sheets, requiring further design engineering and formatting. We take no responsibility should a design either not appear in exact likeness and or appearance with the displaying image, or with your own perception and indeed expectation. We do however work with you to achieve the best possible result, with your online strategy in mind.

Our team will apply changes and updates to achieve the desired end result. All clients are essentially required to also provide input, clear instructions and proper guidance, in this early design phase. This initial period can become a very costly and time consuming process, if not managed and interpreted appropriately, which in turn can affect the entire website project. Therefore, we will allow several edits and design updates in the early web design phase, sometimes beyond the package range to ensure compliance and design conformity.

If we cannot meet your design requirements after the first (2) weeks then we would prefer to give our clients full refunds, as our packages are not designed for major changes or constant requests to design work. This will be determined on a case by case basis, by Web Club Management and flexibility will be applied.

If you require more services added to your Web Club Package, then additional charges will be applied as per individual requests.

  • Additional design and template
  • Additional images and re-sizing
  • Additional video content
  • Additional website pages
  • Additional website updates
  • Additional website content
  • Additional website plugins/widgets
  • Additional website back ups
  • Additional website hosting capacity
  • Additional security requirements including SSL
  • Additional website emails
  • Additional SEO keyword research
  • Additional onsite SEO keyword application and analysis
  • Additional social media applications
  • Additional custom website development
  • Additional digital consultancy and web strategies
  • Additional services on request