SEO Compliant On Page Design

An on page SEO keyword application and strategy is one of the most important aspects of any website project. It reflects the main core and criteria for website search and by applying a series on techniques and keywords, your website can gain some search engine traction, without additional measures. Whilst, as part of this package we do not offer any ongoing SEO services, we do however apply all the right methods to ensure the website is both SEO ready and compliant.

When done properly, on-page optimization can be wonderful thing for your website. Simply setting the right meta titles, descriptions as well as keyword placement and density can have an unexpectedly positive effect on your website’s position in the search results, as can many other seemingly minor adjustments. Internet advertising can get expensive, so we will make sure your website’s on-page design works as much as it can, turning clicks into conversions. Why spend extra money to achieve results that could quite easily be achieved by doing just a little bit of work?

This particular task and process includes the following.

  • Keyword Analysis
  • Keyword Density
  • H1 Tags
  • Title Tags
  • Meta Tags
  • Title Tag Optimization
  • SEO Plugin

Further to these elements we also apply a checkist relative to all the following on page tasks which are considered imperative in this modern day of algorithm changes and Google updates.

  • On-page Optimization
  • Competitors Analysis
  • Keyword Research
  • brief keywords analysis
  • Keyword Placement
  • Title Creation
  • Meta Tag Creation
  • Meta Description Creation
  • Content Optimization
  • Header Tag creation (h1,h2,h3)
  • Strong Tag
  • b tag
  • em tag
  • i tag
  • Dfn tag
  • Abbr tag
  • Keyword Density


  • Content Density
  • URL Structure Analysis
  • Content Creation
  • Image Optimization
  • XML Sitemap Creation
  • TXT Sitemap Creation
  • Html Sitemap Creation
  • Use of robots.txt
  • ALT & Title tag Optimization
  • Url Mapping Optimization
  • Rss Feed Creation
  • Internal anchor links Optimization
  • Google authorization Optimization
  • canonical Issue remove
  • 301 redirection
  • 302 redirection
  • .ht access File Set Up


  • 404 page issue remove
  • webmaster tool setup
  • analytics tool setup
  • Bing Webmaster Tool Set Up
  • Canonical Tag
  • Favicon Tag
  • Author Tag
  • Social Media Tag Missing like Facebook, Twitter..
  • Social Media Profile like
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Flickr
  • Google Plus
  • Website W3C standards

